300 Followers and Q&A?


I actually can’t believe that I’ve had this blog 5/6 months and already I have 300 followers! That’s insane!

Thank you so so much to everyone who follows, likes and comments on my blog! It honestly means the world to me!


So to celebrate…I was thinking of doing a Q&A!

Now, this all depends on how many questions I get. But if I get enough, I plan on uploading the Q&A on Tuesday.

I just think this let’s you guys get to know me a bit more, and gets you involved more!

So, if you have any questions you want to ask me – it doesn’t have to be about books (though of course it can be) – then leave it in the comments below! And feel free to ask more than one question if you want to! 

I’ll be taking in questions until Sunday evening, since that’s when I’ll be writing it up to schedule ahead of time.

Once again, thank you SO much guys! You gave me this achievement!

Remember to leave your questions in the comments.

Until next time…



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52 thoughts on “300 Followers and Q&A?

  1. Congratulations on 300 followers, that’s brilliant 🙂

    As for a question for your Q&A… I have a few random ones, feel free to answer all or some or none of them at all! Do you have a go-to book recommendation that you love to recommend to everyone you meet? What book did you hate? What was the first book you remember loving?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats on hitting 300 followers!! 🙂

    What’s been your favorite part of book blogging so far? What are some of your favorite book blogs?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats!! 😀

    For your Q&A- What is your favorite reading spot? Do you have any hobbies aside from art and reading? What fictional world do you want to visit the most? What real place do you want to visit the most? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats Ashleigh!! I remember you pondering on Twitter whether or not to do this Q&A – I’m so glad you decided to do it!

    Here are a few questions:
    1) How did you go about designing your blog, and how long did it take you?
    2) Do you keep your blog a secret or do you share it publicly with people you know?
    3) Have you ever thought about starting a BookTube?
    4) Do you post a review for every book you read? If you don’t and you’re selective about which book reviews you post, how do you decide?
    5) What is your blogging routine? E.g. How far in advance do you start writing/drafting blog posts, how many weeks do you plan for, etc.

    Feel free to be selective with which questions you answer! I won’t mind 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It seemed like most people would find it interesting so I thought I’d go ahead 🙂
      I absolutely LOVE all of those questions, so I’ll be sure to answer them all! Thank you so much for asking them 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations with so many followers !
    My questions: how much time do you spend on blogging (per day or per week)? How did you choose your blog title and how long did it take to decide on that? Any tips on how to get more followers?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats on 300 followers! Yayyy!! I have a few questions for you: If you were a fictional character for a day, who would you be?
    Who are your fave youtubers?
    If you could meet any fictional character who would you meet?

    Liked by 1 person

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