Sunday Status: My first bookish event, a hopeful change in photography & a new bookish project


Another edition of Sunday Status!

A few more bookish things have been happening compared to my usual life lately, and so the updates and general chit-chat commences.

Today is quite a random selection of updates, so hopefully at least one will be somewhat interesting for you guys 😆

Let’s see what my Sunday Status is!


Now I’ve squealed about this absolutely everywhere already, so I won’t ramble about it too much. But I’ve never been to a bookish event before. A lot of bookish events are held in London, and I’ve no chance of travelling there to get to any.


Samantha Shannon – one of my favourite authors – is doing a book tour for her next book, The Song Rising. AND SHE’S COMING TO MY CITY. AND I CAN ACTUALLY GO.

I. Am. Screaming.


Aaaaand in response to this book tour, my life is currently revolving around The Bone Season, Samantha Shannon’s book series. Only the first two are out so far, but they’re favourites of mine,and at long last the third book is coming out. Once I’ve read a couple more books that need to be read this month, I’ll be rereading both The Bone Season and The Mime Order, in preparation for the tour and third book.

I’ve also started collecting editions of this series. I did originally plan to repurchase the first two books in the new cover paperbacks and have them all matching, and while I’m still doing that…I’m also collecting the original hardbacks.

I don’t even like hardbacks that much, but still 😆 I got the first one for £1.00, the second one for £3.00 (they’re usually £13.00 EACH)…now I can keep collecting the hardbacks!


As for my bookstagram, I’m thinking of bringing a change to it. In fact, by the time this is up, it might have already started. My theme right now is meant to be a pastel, pink-purple sort of colour scheme…but somehow that fell through. Nothing really matches anymore.

But I love themes. My favourites tend to be the extra cosy looking ones. And so, I’m going to attempt a beige/cream/brown sort of theme – which sounds SUPER boring but those are my favourite types.

Though I don’t have anything of those colours in my room. So it might fail. But I’m going to try. I live quite close to woodland, so I’m hoping I can get some decent outdoors shots. Though again, that might fail because I’ve never taken outdoor photos before.



And finally…my project.

So for college, my final major project is coming up. This project actually terrifies me, because this is what I’m graded on. This project will decide if I go to my first choice university or not.

But enough of that daunting thought.

For this project, I’m basically turning this blog into a webzine (online magazine). It will all be book related, but featuring more videos, podcasts and interviews with authors/bloggers/publishers/anyone with anything book related to share. I’ll also have to monitor the analytics and see how many people are viewing my content, so hopefully at least some of you guys will be interested enough to read it 😆

ALSO: If you are/know of someone who is a part of the bookish community – author, blogger, booktuber, publisher, someone hosting/part of an event –  and has something to share or wouldn’t mind being interviewed (through messages probably, because transport will be an issue), then PLEASE DO CONTACT ME! I’ll need all the help I can get for interviews 😆

It won’t be starting until March, but from then on until the summer I’ll be constantly churning out content!

So that was my Sunday Status!

Any thoughts?

What’s happening in your bookish life lately?

Do you have any events coming up?

What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it?

Let me know in the comments!

Until next time…

sign new

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8 thoughts on “Sunday Status: My first bookish event, a hopeful change in photography & a new bookish project

  1. Definitely those brown schemes are my favourite themes. I once listed my faves bookstagram accs and they all had the same look, maybe I should try once though I’m not sure if that is a theme for me, I really enjoy seeing it tho. There is no other way to say if I don’t experiment 😂
    I would be happy to help if you need anything.
    Good luck for everything!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That project sounds so exciting, I’m excited to read everything 💕😊 I’m sure loads of us will be willing to help, if you need anything just shout!
    We never get book signings/events over here so I totally understand why you’re so excited, I hope the event is lovely. I love the changes you’ve made to your Bookstagram, the natural/cosy feel is one of my favourites too 💖
    I hope you have a lovely week 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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