The books I gave a home, but not a read (yet)


“How many books do you have on your shelves that are unread?” is probably a question that’s better left unanswered (although, I’ll have you know it’s not as many as I thought…it’s bad, but not as bad). And when it comes to my good old phrase of “I’ve been meaning to read this one for years!” you can guarantee I’m not exaggerating. But it had me thinking – which books have I been meaning to get round to the longest?

I actually loved doing this post and unearthing the lost treasures on my shelves. Not that they were ever hidden…they just became vastly overshadowed by at least 3 or 4 years worth of shiny new books (yikes). But since I log all the books I own on Goodreads, I managed to trace back the ones I’ve had on my shelves the longest quickly enough. And so here’s the books I gave a home to all those years ago, but have still yet to read…


• The Host by Stephanie Meyer •

Given a home in: January 2013 (although probably before 2013, that’s the year I joined Goodreads)

This book gives me a weird sense of nostalgia even though I haven’t read it. I just remember everyone talking about it when I was younger because it was Stephanie Meyer’s next big thing. The movie came out, Saoirse Ronan played the main character and young me had a slight love for her after seeing her in The Lovely Bones years earlier (anyone remember the yellow flared trousers?).

Being a SciFi about aliens taking over human bodies and using them as hosts, it never was my usual choice of book. Still isn’t, in fact. And yet I’ve never gotten rid of it because something is still tugging me towards it. I do want to get to it eventually. Hopefully it won’t sit on my shelves for another 5 years before doing so.



• The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger •

Given a home in: December 2014

I actually know nothing about this book, it’s just one of those classics I want to read because it’s a classic. All I’ve seen is people mention teenage angst, and to be fair I’m pretty intrigued as to how a classic will represent that stage on life. Will it be full of brooding teens and dagger-like glares? I mean, I’d find out the answer to that question a lot quicker if I read it, wouldn’t I?

To be honest when it comes to this one I’ll probably buy another copy when it comes to reading it. This one was given to me years ago, and honestly it must be decades old with how tattered it is. Some of the pages completely fell out while I was taking photos, so…yeah. New copy needed.



• A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens •

Given a home in: April 2015

Okayy, this one I’ll freely admit that I was highly intimidated by the reputation Mr Dickens has been given over the years. I always hear people comment on how his work can be tough to get through, using flowery language and dragging descriptions out for ages because he was paid by the word (fair play to him). But at the end of 2017 I read a collection of his short stories and honestly? I enjoyed his writing, and it brought that intimidation down a notch. So maybe I’ll finally get round to reading this one sooner than I initially would’ve. All I know is that it’s set in the time of the French Revolution, and I’m guessing – now this is a truly wild guess, hold onto your seats – that it’s set in two different cities. Either way, I’m intrigued.



• Lord of the Flies by William Golding •

Given a home in: December 2015 (although it was my mum’s book before mine so I attempting reading it long before 2015)


I am determined to read the entirety of this book one day. I think I first tried when I was around 10 years old and got bored quickly. 10 year old me didn’t want to read about a bunch of boys stuck bickering on an island, she rolled her eyes at every page and ran off outside to climb everything possible and read about magic instead. Cue 13 year old me, trying again…and finding myself still too impatient to deal with the boys. Again. Maybe one day I’ll get past the point of losing patience with them. I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be a statement of sorts, and I do actually want to know how the hell the boys manage on the island they’re stranded on.



• The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie •

Given a home in: April 2015

I picked this one up from a book sale all those years ago on a complete whim, mainly because I saw it had something to do with historical fiction. It follows someone who inherits a key and an ancient script, which leads to them trying to figure out riddles set in place by an Elizabethan spy and astrologer. Sounds pretty intense, right? This one is kind of similar to The Host, where I never reach for it ad yet every time I consider giving it away, I just can’t. I do want to read it. When that time will come, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll give it a small trial of sorts – read the first chapter or so, and decide from there whether I actually will read it sometimes soon or whether to just unhaul it after all this time.


So those are the books that have been sat on my shelves unread the longest! Let me know if you’ve read any of these and if I should read them – please actually shove them in my face if it’s a favourite of yours that I must read immediately.

What books have been sat on your shelves waiting to be read the longest? I’d love to know!

Until next time…




33 thoughts on “The books I gave a home, but not a read (yet)

  1. I remember The Host taking me a while to get into, but I actually loved it in the end! That said, if I were to read it today, like with Twilight, I’m sure there is a chance there will be problematic or plain trashy elements. Still, I’m always tempted to dive in again, because, like you said, it feels so nostalgic!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like half the reason I want to read it is to see how Stephanie Meyer’s writing holds up against my opinions now ahaha 😆 I feel like it’d be interesting to see what we pick up on now compared to when we were younger!

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  2. I have been meaning to read the Host and the Catcher in the Rye for years as well! I started on the Host around 4 years ago, but never finished it. The Catcher in the Rye I’ve owned for years, but haven’t picked up yet.

    I read A Tale of Two Cities (loved it! By far, my favorite Dickens novel), and Lord of the Flies (wasn’t a huge fan of) a little while back.

    I hope you finally read some of these books soon! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I swear The Catcher in the Rye is one that *everyone* means to read for years before eventually getting to it ahaha. Hopefully we’ll both get there eventually!
      I’m glad to hear you loved A Tale of Two Cities! I definitely need to get to it soon. And from what I’ve heard, not many people are a fan of Lord of the Flies 😆

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  3. I often have books at home too because I love them and I have to do something most of the time so that they don’t feel alone and read quickly !

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  4. I don’t think I have many unread books from years ago, I’m actually pretty good at keeping track of them, and I stress about it if I let it pass a lot of time. I remember reading THE HOST a few years ago, though, and I really loved it!! I’d love to read your thoughts on it, if you get to it 😛

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  5. I read both Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies back in the 80s (school reading). I liked LotF a lot. I think Catcher was very hyped, and did not live up to it, but I was 14 when I read it. Maybe I would appreciate it in a different way now that I am grown. We have The Host here too (unread). I saw the movie before getting to read it, so I will probably never read it now. I feel there is no big surprises in the book after seeing the movie.

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    1. Yeah they’re definitely the sort of books to be on a school curriculum. Maybe that’s what I need to get myself to finally read them ahaha! And that’s a shame! I’m actually fine with reading a book afterwards, I’m not too bothered about spoilers 😆

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  6. I read Lord of The Flies back in high school and could barely finish it. I had such a hard time getting myself interested despite really wanting to enjoy it.

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    1. Ahhh well, sometimes that’s just how it happens! It’s got such mixed reviews, I’m intrigued about what I’d think! Although if the past two attempts say anything, I can’t imagine it going well a third time 😆

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  7. Firstly I am so in love with the pin!
    I have read Lord of the Flies but we read it in secondary school… some years have passed so I can’t remember much other than Piggy… If you haven’t seen the movie either than I refuse to say more and potentially ruin it.
    I read Catcher in the Rye a few years ago and this is going to be such an unpopular opinion because so many people love it but I wasn’t a fan. It was so meh, for me.

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    1. Thank you!!
      I’ve not seen the movie – I only got about 50 pages or so into the book both times, though I DO remember Piggy, of all things.
      I’ve actually seen a lot of people say they didn’t like Catcher in the Rye! But that sort of thing always makes me intrigued to see what my own opinions would be ahaha

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  8. Love this post! I often buy classics from the college bookstore on mega-sale, line my shelves with them, then am too intimidated to read them. Oops! Glad to know I’m not alone… ! I’m interested in how you keep track of the books you own on Goodreads (brilliant, btw). Are they stored in your to-read shelf or somewhere else?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😀
      I’ve done the same too ahaha, it’s so tempting to get classics because they’re so cheap most of the time! Getting round to reading them, however, is another matter 😆
      On Goodreads I just created another shelf and labelled it “own” – then whenever I get a new book, I add it to that shelf! Or take them off, if I get rid of any 🙂

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    1. Classics are somehow so easy to ignore? Like you hear about then all the time so you just end up thinking “ah yeah I should read that” and never do 😆 I’m glad you liked this, thank you!!

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      1. They absolutely are, I think a lot of people get turned off by them because they are often forced on students in school as well. I enjoy reading classics a great deal, but then I’m always like, “Yeah I’ll get to it, but let me read this super hyped new book first.” Bad habit, ah well!


    1. Oooh I’m glad to hear! As for Dickens, I’d recommend reading his collection of christmas short stories first if you’re interested, it made him much less intimidating to me 🙂


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