The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon | Such an intense read, I can’t even

The Mime Order

How glad am I that I reread the first two books in this series before going onto the third? VERY.

I forgot so much. I feel like my mind has been enlightened. Like…I knew I was missing details, but not quite so much. And for a favourite series? Well, we can’t be having that now can we.

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The Mime Order

Synopsis (1)

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It is a dark time for clairvoyants. Scion is in league with the Rephaim, an extraordinarily powerful, otherworldly race that intends to make humans its slaves.

In an unprecedented feat of bravery, Paige Mahoney has succeeded in leading a mass break-out from the brutal camp, Sheol I, where she and other clairvoyants were systematically imprisoned.

Paige is desperate to reach the safety of the London underworld, but the ruthless leader of the Rephaim, Nashira Sargas, is not likely to let her escape so easily…


*This was a reread for me*

WARNING: If you read this book, make sure you have the next book to hand because WHAT A CLIFFHANGER GOOD GRIEF. I had to wait two years for the next!

So, this book picks up right where The Bone Season left off. Which is mighty handy, because I personally hate it when you get to the next book and oh – there’s a summary of what happened in the last 6 months we just skipped because surely they’re not important? 

And let me tell you, there’s so much going on in this book. Not in the ridiculously overwhelming  way. More in the way that there’s always a problem or two to be dealt with. There’s dangers at every turn. You don’t know who to trust. You don’t know whether answers are true or a set up. And you have no idea where the story will go.

It means this book feels like a much shorter read than it is. For a book that’s over 500 pages long, it didn’t take me long to read at all, especially once you get hooked in all the goings-on. And I can’t get over how INTENSE it is. Especially towards the end. When I finished this book, I literally slammed it shut and took a deep breath, because I swear I hardly dared breathe for the last 100 pages or so.

As for the characters, I can’t get over how much I love them all. Not so much as people, but they do make GREAT characters to read about. But our protagonist, Paige…oh I adore her. She’s so strong, but you see her doubt herself, you see her fear, you see her trying to make the best out of any situation. She adapts so well, and I can’t help but admire her courage.

I also want to quickly mention that this book has some diversity, but in the way that it’s just a normal thing. I’ll be going into it more in my review for the next book – The Song Rising – as I think it’s a more prominent thing there from rumours I’ve heard. But in regards to characters sexuality, there’s mentions of characters being bisexual and gay, but without it being a big deal. It’s just the norm here, it’s not a “coming out” story.

But really, I just can’t deal with the end. I know I keep going on about it. But there was a moment where my heart actually stopped. I couldn’t believe it. And it’s SUCH a good ending to a book…I do just implore you all to read it. Though of course, read the first book first.

I know this review is in a shambles. I’m really bad at reviewing sequels, ok? 😆 THOUGH I have a review for the third book coming soon and I have so much to say already – so hopefully that one will be better!

NOTE: Possible trigger warning for self-harm.

Rated 5/5 stars!

5 stars


give a warning

Share your thoughts!

Have you read this book, or the first one? What did you think?

Who’s your favourite character?

If you haven’t started reading this series, do you plan to?

Let me know in the comments!

Until next time…


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14 thoughts on “The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon | Such an intense read, I can’t even

  1. I loved your review for this book Ashleigh, and honestly you’ve made me want to go back and re-read this one and The Bone Season (which is something I’m planning on doing this year anyways if I’m being honest). The first time I read this series I went from TBS right into TMO simply because I needed to get started on the next book, and I completely get what you mean when you say there’s so much packed into 500 odd pages because there really is.
    Have you started/finished The Song Rising yet? I really loved that book so I can’t wait to see what you thought of that one! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m loving your TBS reviews, Ashleigh! They’re making me wish I could drop everything and reread them again (which would be the third time I’ve reread them this year, oops lol). I am completely with you on how it’s a longer book but didn’t feel like it. I think the first time I read TMO I finished it in a few days because I couldn’t stop reading it. And THE CLIFFHANGER! That two year wait really was torture after that cliffhanger. I remember my jaw dropped and then I reread the ending several times to make sure I read it right lol. Great review! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! I love that, I love encouraging others to read the books they love (again ahaha) 😀 I can’t believe we were left with that cliffhanger for TWO YEARS. How did we survive it??

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome!! I actually ended up reread TMO over the past few days. 😂
        Right? I don’t know how we did it! I don’t even know how I’m going to survive the wait for TBS4 and there wasn’t even a shocking cliffhanger this time. 😣

        Liked by 1 person

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