I recommend… Part 2

I recommend contemp, classic and magic

So after Part 1 of my recommendations, featuring Fantasy, Complex stories and SciFi, I decided to follow it up with three more genres:

Contemporary, Classic and a bit of Magic. 

[View Part 1 here!]

So read on and enjoy!

open bookopen bookopen book

Contemporary – for the lovers of a love story…

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

This is one of my favourite books, which I found surprising since I don’t tend to like contemporary that much. The main character, Anna, is carted of to a boarding school in Paris, where she meets Etienne St. Claire. And the rest is history. No but really, there’s quite a lot more to the story than that, but I don’t want to spoil it.


Wait for You by Jennifer L Armentrout (J Lynn)

DO NOT JUDGE BY THE COVER. I actually own a different cover that’s green and blue and covered with stars, and suits the story a lot more than the image shown above. Because that cover is horrible (in my opinion). Anyway, Jennifer L Armentrout is really good at writing love stories that aren’t overboard with cringe, which is exactly what I hate about contemporaries. I laughed quite a lot reading this book, which was a nice surprise. I don’t know how to describe this other than the typical boy meets girl scenario, so I’ll let you read the synopsis on the Goodreads page.


For the classic collector (or not!)…

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Now, I’ve not read that many classics myself, but out of the ones I’ve read, Pride and Prejudice is easily my favourite. Following the story of Elizabeth Bennet, this story is actually quite easy to read and definitely caught my attention. I loved it a lot more than I expected to. And I loved the characters!


Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

This book follows the story of Jane Eyre, from her early years of life right through to adulthood. This story definitely picks up the further you read on, but it does end up being a lot more dramatic than you’d expect.


For the people who wish for a magical world…

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Both of these books are favourites of mine. The Night Circus is exactly what is says – a circus that only opens at night. But it’s not illusions and trickery, the circus is actually magic. And that’s all I’m saying, because this story is definitely one you need to go into not knowing much about it. The writing style is stunning, and if you can keep up with switching time frames and a large cast of characters, I’d recommend you pick this up because it’s a stunning story.


The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

A magical realism story taking through the Roux family and their quirks, this really is a unique story. Again, this is a story you should go into not knowing much, because you’ll where the story is taking you.


And that’s Part 2 of my recommendations!

Let me know if you have read any of these books, or if you have any other books you would recommend in these genres 🙂


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10 thoughts on “I recommend… Part 2

  1. I actually prefer Jane Eyre- Pride and Prejudice was too uptight. I liked it though. I’m reading Anna now, heard so many good things! X

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    1. I think what out me off Jane Eyre a bit was the fact that I had to read it for an English Literature course, so we read through it slowly and then kept going back to parts I wasn’t bothered about. I feel like if have enjoyed it even more if I just read it in own time

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