May Book Haul – How Do You Manage To Accumulate Books Without Even Realizing?

may book haul

Well apparently it’s June.

May did actually drag for me. When I look back at these books, they all feel like I got them a lifetime ago. Well, apart from the last three, which I got a couple of days ago.

About that: The last three books I technically got on June 1st, BUT…I’m hoping not to buy any books in June so they’re being put into this book haul rather than be missed out.

And the title?

That’s because with this month dragging out so much for me, I managed to accumulate nine books in May without even realizing it. Probably because of a combination of me not buying all of them/ I’ve already read some of them/ and I got them over such a wide span…or so I thought.

So that’s enough rambling. Here’s the books!


So like I said, I managed to gather up a grand total of nine books this month (including June 1st, if we’re being sneaky).

Stupidly, I forgot to add one to them to the overview image seen here, purely because I’m currently reading it so it wasn’t on my shelves when I went around collecting them all. Damn.

But anyway, three were sent to me for review, the other six I managed to collect without even realizing just how many I’d gotten recently. THAT, my friend, is quite worrying. I don’t even realize I’m buying books? Zeesh. That’s how you know I’m a bookworm.

PS. See me waving to you guys in the mirror?

A Court Of Mist And Fury

by Sarah J Maas



This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, so the second it came out I just needed it. And then I started reading it the next day. And then took a week to read the first 300 pages, before marathoning the rest in one night because I couldn’t hold it off any longer. And then screamed internally for an entire night.

As you can probably guess, I’ve already read this one, so the review is already up on my blog. Though if you couldn’t tell by now, I really REALLY loved it (understatement).


The Masterpiecers

by Olivia Wildenstein

The Masterpiecers

I received the review request for this book allllllllll the way back in February, and it managed to make it on my doorstep (well – hallway, since it was sent through the postbox) at the beginning of May.

Of course since this was sent for review, I read this one as soon as I could because priorities. See the review here. I really enjoyed this book, and it made me want to read more psychological dramas to be honest.


Isla and the Happily Ever After

by Stephanie Perkins


Soooo as I’ve said about a thousand times on here and everywhere else in my life, I’m on a mission to finish some of the series I’ve started. Because there’s a lot of them, as last week’s post showed.

Well, one of those series is Anna and the French Kiss. I read that book years ago and never continued. This summer I plan on rereading the first book and then FINALLY reading the other two books in this trilogy! And I have no excuse really now that I have them all.


Just a few Inches

Tara St. Pierre

Just a few inches

The second review book that arrived this month – Just A Few Inches by Tara St. Pierre.

This was a quick read for me, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. I didn’t expect it to be bad, but do you know when you don’t quite know WHAT to expect and then you’re really pleasantly surprised? Well, that was the case here. All is explained in the review.

And let me just say, this is one of those “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” cases, because I’m not a huge fan of the cover but like I said before, really enjoyed the story.


The Evolution Of Mara Dyer

by Michelle Hodkin

Mara Dyer

Again with the continuing series thing, I read the first Mara Dyer book not long ago, and so made sure to order the second book so I can actually continue the series.

After reading the first book (which is ridiculously addictive) I can definitely see why so many people love this series. And I want to be part of that, so you bet I’m hopping on the bandwagon, however far in front it may be.


To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before

by Jenny Han


Oh look, another bandwagon I’m trying to jump on.

This year I’ve gotten into contemporary a lot more than I ever had before, so I’ve been getting a whole lot of popular books from the genre. While this one sounds a bit cringe-worthy to me – exactly the sort of stuff I hate – so so many people love this series so I just have to see what all the fuss is about!



by J.A. George


The first of the books technically bought in June, and the last of the books sent for review this month. This one arrived really quickly – a matter of days – and it was the nicest little surprise. It was all wrapped up in this beautiful shiny blue wrapping paper that reminds me of mermaids and had a little label saying thank you. I was so surprised, it was all so thoughtful!

This is the book I’m currently reading. It’s short, and I’m enjoying the small bit I’ve read so far. You’ll be seeing a review soon!


Six of Crows

by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows

I feel like everyone and their mother, father, sister, aunt, nephew, half cousin and dog has read and loved this book.

Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting for it to be released in normal paperback size rather than the huge version it was before. Well guess what happened? It finally happened. The normal paperback size was out!

AND it was on the “buy one get one half price offer”, so what’s not to love? (Also that’s the reason the next book is here too).



by Alexandra Bracken


Another book that’s constantly raved about.

I haven’t even finished reading The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken yet, but I somehow ended up jumping to a different series? Told you I was bad at finishing series.

Anyway, I have this now, and I hope I love it as much as everyone else seems to!


So those are all the books I got in May! (and June 1st)

Recognize any favourites?

Which ones should I read first? 

How many books did you get through May?

Which books did you get? (feel free to leave a link to your book haul)

Let me know in the comments!

Until next time…


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16 thoughts on “May Book Haul – How Do You Manage To Accumulate Books Without Even Realizing?

  1. A lot of these are on my TBR, or the first books are. I would recommend rereading Anna, because that trilogy is one of my favorite contemporary reads! 😀
    I got about 55 books this month. One was sent for review, 9 came from BookCon or Chicago, and the other 45 were free ebooks I found on my kindle. I have no idea what they’re about, only that they’re YA. 😅🙈

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 55 books? Oh wow! Can you imagine how much bookshelf reshuffling you’d have had to do if those 45 were physical copies ahaha! Luckily you can carry them all around on your Kindle 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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