February/Birthday Book Haul! Stocking up my physical TBR once again


Sooooo it was my birthday on Friday 🙂

And while I don’t make that huge a fuss about my own birthday, it does mean I was treated to some new books, and that alone is exciting for me!

Like with my December Book Haul, my main version of this haul is actually on my booktube channel, since it’s a lot easier to explain which were gifts/which I got before my birthday, along with why I’m interested in them. So the video will be down below, but underneath the books and synopsis’ will be listed for anyone who doesn’t have enough time (or simply don’t want) to watch the video.

So let’s see what books I got in February!

Continue reading February/Birthday Book Haul! Stocking up my physical TBR once again

July book haul – because a long month = a long haul


As I mentioned in my Wrap Up, July dragged for me. I felt like it went on forever. So when I came to write up this review and saw I had somehow accumulated this many books in July…well, I was quite surprised, because it felt like a lifetime ago.

I’m pretty sure I say that in a lot of hauls though. It just be the common cause of my buying.


I’ll put it simply. I got nine books in July. Though to be fair, I didn’t buy them all, so…I didn’t spend that much money.

AND in July I read 8 books, so I’ve only added to my TBR by one book. That’s pretty good going, if I do say so myself.

Can you guess any of the books from the picture?

Well, you don’t have to, because I’m about to show them all off screaming LOOK AT ALL THESE PRETTIES. 

Here are the books I got in the month of July!

Continue reading July book haul – because a long month = a long haul

May Book Haul – How Do You Manage To Accumulate Books Without Even Realizing?

may book haul

Well apparently it’s June.

May did actually drag for me. When I look back at these books, they all feel like I got them a lifetime ago. Well, apart from the last three, which I got a couple of days ago.

About that: The last three books I technically got on June 1st, BUT…I’m hoping not to buy any books in June so they’re being put into this book haul rather than be missed out.

And the title?

That’s because with this month dragging out so much for me, I managed to accumulate nine books in May without even realizing it. Probably because of a combination of me not buying all of them/ I’ve already read some of them/ and I got them over such a wide span…or so I thought.

So that’s enough rambling. Here’s the books!

Continue reading May Book Haul – How Do You Manage To Accumulate Books Without Even Realizing?

April Book Haul – So Much For That Book Buying Ban!

April haul

At the start of the month I said to myself “I’m on a book buying ban for April because I’ve gotten so many books since December.”

As time went on, I realized one of my most anticipated releases came out at the end of the month. So this went from no books to “I’ll make an exception for THAT ONE BOOK.”

And then April actually started and I ended up getting 6 books. And a half. Kind of (you’ll see what I mean).

So here’s my failed book buying ban – otherwise known as a haul!


Continue reading April Book Haul – So Much For That Book Buying Ban!